Meet Running Wild


Running Wild is a fantastic shoe store in Pensacola, FL that carries Correct Toes. We recently reached out to our friends at Running Wild to see how their customers are responding to Correct Toes. What follows is our Q&A with Running Wild:

CT: What are some of the most common foot complaints you hear from customers?

RW: Plantar Fasciitis is definitely #1. But most often customers just complain of heel and/or arch pain rather than identifying their condition as PF. Others tend to be: pain in their big toe area from a bunion or burning/pain in one of several of their metatarsals.

CT: What are customers’ reactions to Correct Toes once they see a visual demonstration of how it works?

RW: We have yet to have someone not buy them once we put them on a customers feet. It’s amazing when they try on the Correct Toes they say: “Wow I’ve never had anything on feet feel this good.”

CT: What are some of the most common questions you receive about Correct Toes from your customers?

RW: Usually before a customer tries them on, they ask about comfort, but as soon as they try them on they ask if they can buy them.

CT: What are the advantages of offering a product to your customers that addresses so many foot and toe ailments?

RW: Well the advantage is that the Correct Toes are seemingly so simple and non-invasive. The response that we’ve had is overwhelming. We started carrying them just a few weeks ago and we’re ready to place our third re-order.

CT: Can you share with us your personal experience with Correct Toes and how this device has helped you or people you know?

RW: As soon as we received our first order I snagged a pair and have not taken them off. OK, maybe a few times. They have definitely made my feet feel more stable and running more comfortable. I wanted a pair for my 11 year old daughter because she has a slight bunion on one foot, but we sold out of her size the second day after we received our order. I finally got her size in and once I put the Correct Toes on her feet, she had instant relief. She’d previously complained of her toes cramping and arch pain, but not any longer.

Thanks, Running Wild, for sharing your experience and for helping Pensacola’s runners to… run wild!

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