

Transitioning From Conventional to Minimalist Shoes

Many people are aware that a transition period is required when switching from conventional, PCECH-style (Pronation Control, Elevated, Cushioned Heel) shoes to minimalist shoes. In fact, this is one of the most common topics we hear about from patients and customers. Most people want to know the proper protocol for transitioning to foot-healthy footwear—shoes, boots,

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Kid’s Shoes

Correct Toes March 2013 Newsletter is full of great information about keeping kid’s feet healthy and functional.  We wanted to share several kid’s shoe brands that have the characteristics that we look for in healthy footwear- flat, flexible, and widest at the toe box.  Check out Dr. Ray McClanahan’s latest video on Choosing Healthy Shoes

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Kicks for Kids

When it comes to footwear for our children, are we making “shoddy” choices? “What shoes are best for my child?” As natural foot care specialists, this is a question we often hear in our office. It’s a question posed by concerned parents who, themselves, are afflicted with foot ailments such as bunions, hammertoes, fungal toenails,

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A New Year’s Resolution? A Natural Foot Health Solution!

New Year’s has come and gone, but the important work of 2013 has only just begun. This year, consider making lasting foot health your new year’s resolution! Attention and time given to natural foot health concepts and activities can yield profound foot health benefits, both for foot injury prevention and improved quality of life. Caring

A New Year’s Resolution? A Natural Foot Health Solution! Read More »

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